Start Saving on Credit Card Fees Today
It’s as Simple as 1 – 2 – 3 !
Step 1
Request a Free Cost Comparison of Credit Card Processing Fees
You will need the following information and 5 minutes to complete the online form. You will receive information back in 24-48 hours.
List of Needed Items:
- 1-3 months of credit card merchant processor statements
- Legal Business Name
- Average credit card transaction size
- Average monthly total credit card volume
- Largest transaction amount that you would process in an individual transaction
Step 2
OK – you received your Cost Comparison. Review it to see how much you can save each month and if you are ready to make the change, you just need to fill out the merchant application.
Before you get started, you are going to need the following information:
- Legal Business Name
- Tax ID
- Owner/Partner information
- Expected monthly volume
- Bank account information
You are also going to need to pick out the equipment for your specific type of business. Not sure what to choose? No problem – contact us and we can help!
Step 3
Once your application is received and approved, your account will be setup and if you ordered equipment, it will be pre-programmed with all of your merchant account credentials and ship out directly to your business location(s).
For card reader terminals, the setup can take as little as 30 minutes, while POS systems will require coordination with your POS vendor to change the merchant processor specifications that are provided in the new VAR sheet.
We are here with your every step of the way to assist you with the application process and/or equipment setup to ensure that you feel comfortable with using your new equipment and service.